Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Suffer little children

(no links, since no source in English)

3 stories in the news today about youngsters & teenagers who were
victims or pepetrators.

The first is the story of a nanny (age 63) who came highly recommended,
and the parents even checked out the recommendations. So they were
quite distraught when they used a hidden camera to check up on her
work and found that she beat the baby, shook him & sometimes forciblly
held him down and screamed at him to be quiet.
The nanny was arrested & her lawyer is making all those sounds lawyers
make when facing irefutable evidence.

The second story tells of two 15 year old boys who confessed to
molesting a 7 year old boy. After the case was dragged for a year
through the courts, the judge ordered them released because the
prosecution made some HUGE procedural error, then rather than
try to fix it, the prosection tried to have the error ruled out so they
could go on.

way to go, rule of law :-(

The third story tells of a man who had been charged with beating his wife.
to take out his frustration he took to driving around certain religious
schools in his area, offering rides to teenage boys and molesting
them en route.

Later on he would call them, claim their encounter was taped, and demand
money or else he'd reveal to their school what he did to them.
(in religious society, being a male victim of rape can actually be worse
than being a rapist) So far 6 boys have come forward to complain, and
police believe there may be others.

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